Find Voices.
Be Heard.
Make Hay.

Social Media companies control which Voices get heard & which don't. We're here to change that.

Why nēdl?

nēdl (As in, 'the haystack.') is like a hashtag for live audio bringing people together through live shared moments. We level the playing field for creators by making every word searchable - in real-time! Then we go one step further and share every penny of revenue with every Voice.

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Get Paid

Social Media companies make money from advertising by keeping you and your audiences on their sites - but, you don't get paid nor do you have full access to the audiences you bring them.

Unique Model

nēdl has a Keyword-Based business model and shares revenue with our creators (Voices). We've tied our business model and mission to your success. We win only after our Voices win!

Make Hay

The more authentic your conversations and talks the more discoverable your content will be and the more Tips (Hay) you make from your happy Listeners.


nēdl, as in 'the needle in the haystack,' lets users search live audio as it's being spoken.


Friends, family & followers can listen via the Web and opt-in to SMS alerts to catch every moment of live audio.


Listeners buy Hay to tip, highlight their own Comments, and gain entrance to Ticketed Events. Voices can cash out each Hay for $1 (USD).

We bring your experiences to life.

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Radio artists




Radio Stations

Live audio search

nēdl owns the US and multinational patent on real-time keyword search of live audio broadcasts (TV, Radio, Social Media, Streaming) and additional related intellectual property.

License Our Technology

Real-time brand safety

nēdl's live transcription and real-time search means that brands can be assured that the places they advertise meet or exceed their content requirements.

License Our Technology

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See how
nēdl works

Creators can get their own live call-in radio show that transcribes, amplifies & monetizes their words as they speak.